One design principle is a form of work should follow its function (form follow function). In the design of the human factor is taken into account. The first consideration is the work of design, fit, comfort and security by design for use. Meanwhile, the next consideration of form and decoration. So, the definition of design is eligible art works that can be viewed or absorbed by the senses of sight of its beauty and benefit to the wider community.
A. VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNHumans as social beings are always communicating and requires communication between themselves and each other. They need the media to do it, both visually, auditif, or audiovisual. Items play a role in human communication must be designed so that effective and efficient in its use. Formerly the term used in the field of visual communication is the graphics. But with the progress of communication between humans the term is more to be shot with DKU term social or communication design.Utilization and its role in human life with the increasingly widespread in its use of topographical technology, printing, computer animation, and internet. The work may take the form of social komunikasib couples the design of letters, drawings, stickers, stamps, money, tickets, packaging, invitations, business cards, brochures, posters, billboards, and movie animation.
B. INTERIOR DESIGNInterior design (in space) or the arrangement relating to architecture and the creation of an atmosphere of space. An interior design principle of always considering the man who became residents of the building, the principle of quality of light and the principle of proportion of the room with the objects in them.
C. PRODUCT DESIGNWork processes or product design industrial design relating to the factors of production, economics, engineering, aesthetics, elements of form and the industry is in the account in desin product. The resulting object is a day for day, sporting goods, military equipment, medical, and automotive. Comfort, security, accuracy, and beauty form the basis of creation of the product.
D. TEXTILE DESIGNTextile design is a branch relating to the quality, aesthetic quality, practical and symbolic quality of textile work. The technique used ikat, woven bags, batik or border. The times influential in fashion, decoration, or technique that couples the designers had to adjust market demand.
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